Saturday, May 10, 2014

When is it a Time to Let go of Things ?

I like to collect.  I like to collect certain things. For some weird reason something will catch my eye and then I get interested in it. It started when I was a kid.  I collected matches. I had close to 500 from all over the world. I probably started with this collection as it was free :-) they were easy to come by, and most business had them. After matchbooks were, Garfield, anything with trumpets, Cracker Jack charms, then came the obsession with Pez dispensers.  It seemed like a good idea at the time. 1500 pez later; not so much :). China terrier dogs, vintage brooches, Wizard of Oz, Maude Humphrey Bogart figurines...... Then I started to do my art and jewelry so I unconsciously collected clocks for parts and cameras for supplies, and silver teapots for mobiles. Oddly enough, what was supposed to be for supplies has now become it's own collection. 

Why do I collect? Could it be that it's a learned trait?  I'm not sure.  My father has a antique tractor collection. My mom has antique washing machines, an extensive cameo collection, and a china figurine collection (which I highly value as I've found and contributed to that collection). My sister had antique (real) wagons,  Monterrey Western Wear and a pin cushion doll collection.  Nah, I'm sure it has nothing to do with that.   I believe it's the thrill of the hunt.  I don't want to buy my treasure brand new, that would be too easy. I want to find my treasure at an estate sale, or flea market, or antique store.  The adrenaline, excitement and satisfaction makes it worth that one item I've found. The status of the item changes from dusty hidden item to prized holy grail treasure!! 

Once I become fixated on a new collection, I try to learn all about it from books and Internet research. This is not hoarding, this is a collection. Only an OCD neat freak minimalist could call it hoarding (plus I do not have trails in my home :D.  

So when is it time to let things go?  Probably when you ask yourself this question that a very good sign.  At this time, I am finding I'm ready to get rid of some of these things.  I've opened an Etsy store, but I've also started to lean back on the services of EBay.  I'm finding my junk has value to others too. As my dad says "if you get tired of it get rid of it. It gives you room for new things of interest". So true. 

Here is my newest collection.  I came across a little old lady selling her Germany pin cushion china dolls for a buck a piece...... Yeah, I own those now!! I also have found I love the miniature little victorian people. 

One of the collections I am starting to sell. Vintage gumball machine toys and Cracker Jack Charms. 

Another glimpse of the Cracker Jack puzzles and Toys. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Atomic Candy is the Bomb

I love that my son goes to college in Denton, TX. I have the advantage of going to see him, and exploring the town.  I've read it's an up and coming town for music venues and shows.  I personally love the town square and downtown.  There is a large variety of good resturants and cafés to experience around the square, and plenty of antique stores and gift shops. One place on the town square is Atomic Candy.  Can you say amazing?  If you enjoy qwerky, gag, and nostalgic gift items not to mention candy, this is your place. They rhave huge selections of sodas in all of your traditional flavors in addition to a huge selection of root beer, Martian Poo, Buttered Corn Soda, Bacon Soda, and just about anything else you can drink.  This is definitely a place to cure your sweet tooth. 

Pez your collection?  Here you can find a huge selection. I personally own over 1000 pez. Some are misfit pez, some are from foreign countries (thanks to eBay). 

Have a favorite flavor of Jelly Belly? M&M? Salt Water Taffy? Rock Candy?  Yep!!! It's all here. 

When you first walk in this store gives you an old time feeling of candy shops gone by. 

Candy box collection galore 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Learning to Have Adventures

I have had a rare opportunity to have the freedom to travel, and experience many new things in the last ten years.  Many times I have been told "I live vicariously through your life" "I wish I could go on a road trip like yours" "you live an incredible life of adventure". All of these comments can be true of anyone. What makes my life adventurous is that I choose to live it that way. It all started with Texas roadtrips. I came up with some tips, that might help you get started to your own life of adventure.

1. Fear: fear keeps us from trying new things. Fear is a prison. It keeps us from going new places, and keeps us in our box of complacency. In order to live a life of adventure one must over come the fear of the unknown and over come the fear of being alone. Sometimes we must start our journey alone. Live your life to inspire others.

2. Attitude : a positive attitude is a must. You must be willing to believe there is an amazing world outside your front door. There is no place for a negative mind when seeking something new and exciting. You will encounter negative attitudes when you want to explore, you must learn to deafen these voices as they will hold you back. 

3. Adventure Begins in Your Own Backyard: one does not have to travel to exotic places to be adventurous. Seek out your own home town, county, state. There are tons of things to find and explore. Many times exploring must start with you alone. If you wait for someone else to come with you you may never get around to taking those trips. Be brave and step out alone if need be. Many times in this journey you will actually be in a personal journey of self discovery. 

4. Spontanaity: whether this is drop what you are doing and just GO, or whether it is pulling off the road on a planned trip and taking in the sites and "smelling the roses". The best part of a road trip is the journey, not the destination. If you work all the time, then you may want to pencil in a weekend that's just for you to explore. If you aren't sure where to go, be adventurous and flip a coin. Heads go left and tails go right. 

5. See With New Eyes: be open minded to see the world around you in a new light. The eyes of a child always see things for a first time. Life is short - enjoy your life!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Colorado Bend State Park

I've got great friends.  Interestingly enough I have a huge mix of friends with different groups.  I have "the married couple" friends, "the married but my husband isn't always around" friends, "the I am not married but In a committed relationship" friends, and two bachelorette single friends. I have the "I don't wanna go" friends, the "I wish I could go" friends, the "can't go with the girls " friends, "don't want to try anything new" friends and last but not least "I'm negative nancy and I want to whine" friends.  As a single person I love to mix with my different groups and all of their different activities.  Being single hasn't been bad at all for me.  I find that I am on a personal journey of self discovery, and with a positive attitude that opens the universe to new experiences.  I even learn from the half empty people. 

One of my friends recently posted on FB that she would be going hiking at our local state park.  "Perk". Hiking!!!  I've thought I would enjoy hiking but I had no one to go with.  I jumped all over this and went with my avid cyclist friend who can easily bike 40 miles a day. Luckily she had mercy on me this day. 

The following weekend we decided to go hiking at Colorado Bend State Park.  Our main goal was just to get started with hiking but Gorman Falls was our destination.  For this trip, there were now four women going to go hiking.  The hike was amazing.  I will remember to lead next time as my cyclist friend (who has all the stamina) lead her out of shape, huffing and puffing friends on a 4.6 glorious journey.  The best part was hitting the wineries on the way back :-D girl time is essential! 

Colorado River

A dam on the Colorado River

Unfortunately this is in Februray and with the Texas droughts the moss of the falls are not as vibrant of a green as I have seen in other pictures.  We will be going back this spring. 
Tracking through trees, trails, rocks and boulders.  It was about this time I decided there was an essential need for true hiking boots.  

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Love you to the Moon and Back

8 hours easy working on this artistic piece, and that does not include the research time to trigger something in my brain. I have started using Pinterest as a creative muse. This is my first altoid tin collage. This is a custom piece and every detail inside has a meaning.  

There are so many dimensions to this piece - I layered many levels. The stars next to the moon are on a clear thread and actually dangle.